Santiago, Dominican Republic
Residence: Bronx, New York
Age: 22
Telecommunications Engineer
My Best Feature:
My Hair (maybe...never thought about it).
My Worst Feature: Perhaps the fact that I speak my mind. (Does that mean I am opinionated? Not really...) It may annoy certain people, yet it is by being true to thy own self that one can achieve inner happiness.
Person I Admire: My mother
Person Who Influence(d) Me Most: My mother
In What Way?: She has taught me that sacrifices are those things you do and undergo when you truly love something. She has done a lot for me as a son and as a person and there's not a day when I don't learn something from her. She is smart and the most unselfish person I know. She is as grounded as the oldest tree on Earth, and I aspire to be more like her everyday.